Monday, August 4, 2014

This Week's Harvests

Here's a visual run-down of what the garden has produced in the past week.  Of note above are the small carrots - these were accidentally
harvested during the dodder eradication.
Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans...we are starting to develop a backlog of these in the fridge.
A massive tomato harvest.  As I recall, I picked all this because I was worried about a forecast of rain. The rain was needed and welcome, but heavy rain does tend to cause some varieties of tomatoes to split when ripe.
My mission this weekend was to try and get the last of the potatoes out of the ground.  This is a task that my back complains about.
The white thing in the middle is a giant cucumber.  He hid beneath heavy foliage and I just kept missing him.  He's massive and most likely lousy for eating.  I'll probably wind up harvesting seed stock from him.
This is last night's harvest.  I was able to get out all my spuds, and harvest a substantial quantity of green beans.  Mrs. Rabbit has planned a bunch of suppers this week with garden veg as the star of the show, including squash & onions, green bean casserole, tomato pie, and squash casserole - all personal favorites of mine.  Yum!


  1. I'm going to purposely leave a couple of cucumbers on the vine. I want to save seed this year. For the first year I've only planted one variety. Lovely harvests. When I grew tomatoes I used to do the same thing. I would pick any that were starting to ripen before a deluge hit. It helped a lot.

    1. Hmm...I am growing lemon cukes and pickling cukes intermixed...I'd conveniently forgotten about cross-pollination. Well, I'll still save some. Mutant hybrid cucumbers, here I come.

  2. I love suppers planned with vegetables being the stars of the show! It looks like you were able to do that pretty often this week.

    1. Yes we did, and we saved a bit of money in the process.

  3. Beautiful harvests! We had a lot of rain and the tomatoes definitely started cracking afterwards, so it is very smart to pick them early. Sounds like you have a delicious week of garden produce to eat!

    1. Thanks! I stil lose many tomatoes to rain and birds.

  4. Love to harvest but hate the bending over. I feel like I've been roofing a house (my hamstrings are so tight I could bounce a truck off them - hurts too). Left for a week and a half for a quick vacation and found the garden had exploded while we were gone. Weeding and harvesting ensued with a vengeance. Love to pick swiss chard most of all, because it just keeps getting bigger! Hope the garden keeps you distracted from the perils and drudgery of work. Weeding is therapy and harvesting feels like getting a bonus check.

    1. Weeding IS therapy. Painful therapy, sometimes. I do love going on a trip and coming back to a garden that has taken giant leaps forward. I am so glad you are enjoying your garden.
