Monday, August 18, 2014

August Harvests Camera Roll

The garden is usually a solitary thing for me.  When I go out to it and weed, plant, water, and harvest, I am usually alone.  A few times this
summer my wife and I were both in the garden at the same time - which I really enjoy when it happens - but generally, it's just me.  I think it is this aloneness that compells me to snap photos of every harvest and write about my gardening.  While there are times when I crave and need the solitude of my garden, I still want human interaction and feedback.  So thanks for reading this...and looking at the pictures.  You're fulfilling something I need.

That, or I just like to brag.  Toss up, really.

Anyway, here's some of my harvests from the past couple weeks...
Lemon cukes have been prodigiously prolific this summer.  Guests at the house are required to take a bag of them when they leave.
Pole beans.
and more pole beans.  This is what 6.5 pounds of fresh Kentucky Wonder green beans looks like.
Full size tomatoes are just about finished here, but we've still picked plenty in the last few weeks.
These tomatoes all have something in common.  Each of them came from volunteer plants in my compost pile.
Patty pan squash have been producing steadily.  We also have banana and cubanelle peppers, and more lemon cukes.
Lots of the usual stuff here, along with some zucchini.
Yellow food.
More of the same, although this picture does highlight my purple yard-long beans.  I have them growing in the same bean tepee bed as the pole beans.  They are holding their own, but the pole beans are outproducing them.
The ugly round thing on the left is some sort of melon that grew out of the compost pile.  I recently picked is because it felt different...just not as firm as it had been.  We'll see what's inside soon.
Tomatoes and cucumbers.
This large harvest also has some young tomatillas to the right of the banana peppers.  These volunteered in my cucumber patch and they've been coexisting nicely with the cukes.  The fruits are still very small, but tasty...citrusy with a bit of sweetness.
Finishing up with a bang, a massive cucumber harvest and some stocky carrots amongst many other things. Lots of carrots are now ready, which means that honey glazed cinammon carrots are now back on the menu.  Happy days are here again.


  1. That is a lot of veggies. You have every right to brag (and that so made me laugh).

    1. It is a lot of veg. I wish I was more aggressive about preserving and storing the harvest. I need to invest in a chest freezer.

  2. That truly is a lot of veggies, and it seems you are growing quite an assortment of tomatoes. And I had to laugh at the bit about requiring guests to take a bag of beans. Around here it is usually squash, and I threaten to leave it on their doorstep if they don't take some!

    1. My first year I planted way too much squash. I think this year I've reached the correct level to provide us with just the right amount of summer squash. Lemon cucumbers and green beans are a different story.
