Friday, July 26, 2013

Garden Vegetable Mega-Bowl

The amount of tomato, squash, cucumber, and beans inside my house has reached hoarder levels.  This Saturday I will hold the 'Flint, Michigan Mega-Bowl' of front yard produce sales.  Yup, in the future they're going to be talking about 3 things: the discovery of fire, the invention of the submarine, and the July 27th Givler Garden Produce Sale.
 Here was my kitchen table on July 21st.  There's a lot more now, despite having tomato & mozzarella salad every day for lunch and some sort of squash dish with supper almost every day...and giving some away.
Above is the harvest from the 21st.
Here's the harvest from the 23rd...notice the yellow thing?  That's not summer's a cucumber that grew from seeds in the compost pile.  I'm pretty sure that it is a cross between regular cukes and the round yellow cucumbers that I like to grow.  The one next to it is from the same vine, just not a mature.  It has a yellow tint.
Here's a picture of the "compost garden."  It has the weird cukes, pumpkins, and an unidentified tomato plant.  The vines are amazingly healthy.
This is the harvest from July 24th.  The yard-long beans, aka asparagus beans, started coming in heavy in both green and purple varieties.
Harvest from this evening, July 25.

So, put the morning of Saturday, July 27 at 8 AM on your calendar.  It's the Givler Garden Vegetable Sale, and if we're successful, there's going to be a 12-foot trophy.  It's glorious, I've seen it.  Oh, and if we sell all the produce, this big gun is going to shoot off.  Bring your turtlenecks.  Bring your white pants.  I may also wrestle a bear.

Disclaimer: if some of this post makes no sense to you at all, immediately rent and watch the movie "Semi-Pro."  Do it today.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Garden Production Outpaces Family Appetite. Again.

I pick the garden daily.  A delicious torrent of tomatoes, squash, and snap beans pours into our home.
I eat tomatoes with mozzarella and vinagrette nearly every day for lunch.  We have squash and beans at supper.
Kale, cherry tomatoes, burgundy beans...soon I will enlist the dehydrator to aid us.
Potatoes are another family staple right now.  I've been slicing them into wedges, adding fresh rosemary and chives, salt, pepper, tossing them in oil and baking them in the oven.  We all like them.
This is the first year I've grown patty pan squash.  Cooked, they are firmer than yellow squash and zucchini.  I like them; they are good with onions and butter.