Sunday, May 11, 2014

The State of the Garden

There is lots of good stuff happening in the garden these much stuff that I have had trouble finding time to write about it.  I suppose
that one of the weird things that happens when you blog about gardening is that when you have the most to write about, you have the least amount of time to blog.

Almost all of the main garden is now planted.  I have one bed left to finish with tomato plants, but otherwise it is all rocking and rolling.
At the end of this bed, onions and garlic are growing strong.
We've harvested spinach leaves 3 or 4 times in the past 2 weeks.  You harvest one day, and the next day it looks like you need to pick again.

Here you see spinach in the foreground, fava beans behind them, onions peeking up behind the favas, and peas behind the onions.  Beyond the peas are 2 beds of potatoes, a bed of carrots and radishes, a bed of lettuce and arugula, and then 2 beds of tomatoes.
The peas, especially the shelling peas, are flowering nicely.  I was a bit worried about them a few weeks ago due to what I thought was anemic growth, but they look strong now.  Sometimes a little patience is required.  That, and liberal application of compost.
2 weeks ago I built, installed, and planted this raised bed for pole beans. I suspect I'll do a post at some point about how I made it.  The beans have germinated and look good, except for a few that have been eaten by rabbits.  I've seen two of them in the neighbors back yard, and startled one hiding in my peas while watering in the morning a week ago. Beans and peas are their favorite prey.
I do feel guilty for neglecting my herb garden.  The chives, despite the weeds, are very happy.  I need to weed it and put in cilantro, dill, basil, and hot peppers soon.  However, considering that this is the only real task in the garden right now, I feel pretty good about the current state of the garden.

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