Wednesday, February 26, 2014


My Aunt Sharon is also a backyard gardener, and in late 2012, she gave me a bulb of seed garlic that she didn't have room to plant.  I separated the cloves, made holes, and buried them in the ground in November. That's what the interwebz said I should do.  They each sent up a green shoot.  I was worried they would die during the winter.  Nope.  They grew, and I harvested a dozen large bulbs in late spring.

We haven't had to buy fresh garlic since then.  These are our last two bulbs.
Once you grow garlic, that is pretty much how it never have to buy garlic again.  Harvest your garlic in spring, let it dry out, and store it correctly.  Then in the fall, crack a bulb or two open, pop those cloves in the dirt, and harvest in the spring.  Repeat.  I planted two bulbs worth of garlic this fall.  Despite all of our cold snowy weather this winter, the garlic is doing fine...
Sometime in May, I should be able to harvest double last year's crop.  Thanks Aunt Sharon!

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