Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23 Harvest

This weekend's harvest was big. I expected an insane amount of ripe peppers, which we got, but I was surprised by the amount of cherry tomatoes and the size of my carrots. So, left to right in this picture we have scotch bonnet and kung pao hot peppers, tomatoes (probably the last of them for this year), a couple rubbery green beans, Jalepeno and Altris peppers, a crookneck pumpkin, carrots, radishes, green onions, and turnips.

Here's what I have left in the garden...more pumpkins, green onions, radishes, turnips, carrots, and kohlrabi (which doesn't look like it's going to produce root bulbs). I also massive quantities on hot and green peppers. My peppers are still flowering and producing fruit, which they will do until frost hits. I have two volunteers eggplants that should give me 4 more fruit. The volunteer mustard greens are going strong. I'm eating those greens in my lunch salad every day. I also have chives, volunteer dill and some 2nd season cilantro I planted.

The most surprising plant left is the sweet potatoes. These vines have taken over the middle part of the garden. The leaves are edible, and taste good in salad, and there are a ton of roots to be harvested. My plan is to wait for the first frost, let the vines die back some, and then harvest them. There's going to be a ton of sweet taters.

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