Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weeks 11, 12, & 13

Ok, I've been out of town the past 2 weeks, for a staff planning conference and then instructing at a training school in Mississippi.  However, Angelia watered and weeded while I was gone.  It's amazing how the garden transforms when you are gone for a week or two.
Week 13 garden
The sunflowers are pretty incredible.  They're almost 6 feet tall, and the stalks are nearly the diameter of my wrist.
In this picture you can see cabbage, cucumbers, leaf lettuce, young bean plants, young radishes, and turnips.  The turnips have done really well.  I didn't plant them last year, and they are definite keepers. 

Herb Garden Week 13
The herb garden is coming along nicely.  The cilantro especially has shot up like crazy.  I think it's bolting, attempting to produce seeds.  I pinched to tops off to stall that process.  I picked some basil, and it smells amazing. 
There's not much left in the greenhouse, but what is left is interesting.  Here's a day lily that I dug up at Beaverdam Park in February.  It was the size of my thumb, and now it's flowered.  Pretty cool.

Today was the first substantial harvest of the year.  I pulled a bunch of turnips, some lettuce, baby carrots, a radish, the first cucumber, cilantro, and basil.  I ate some lettuce for lunch, and cooked the turnip greens all afternoon for supper.  I boiled the turnip roots and mashed them up with butter, salt, pepper, and sour cream.  Angelia is in South Carolina this weekend, so poor Jacob was my guniea pig.  The greens and the mashed turnip passed his test, but the turnips were a little time I will put the cooked turnip in a cheese cloth and squeeze the excess moisture out before I blend it.

Angelia left steak in the fridge for me to grill.  I told Jacob that everything he ate came from the garden other than the meat.  He said that we should get a cow, and wondered if you needed a permit to have one.  Funny.  

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