Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 8

The garden is half full.  I'm actually getting a little worried about running out of space.  We have a ton of stuff in the greenhouse that will go in, and a lot of seed left to plant.  This is a good dilemma to have.
Above is the current view from the front door of the greenhouse.  Everything has germinated except the moonflowers.  Some of this stuff has gone bonkers.  Two foot tall tomato plants, cucumber that's starting to shade out it's neighbors, and a pot of peppermint that just won't stop.

This week we added probably 10 rows.  The green stuff is 12 Park Early Hybrid Tomatoes, Sunflowers, and Romaine Lettuce that we started in the greenhouse.  In the foreground, the newspaper is my ill-fated attempt to mulch and recycle at the same time.  I laid down wet newspaper around squash mounds.  The paper dried, didn't stick in the wet soil, and blew around the yard.  Angel texted me at work to let me know that the wind had pinned much of it to the back fence. Oh well.

Angel tackled the flowerbed on the west side of the yard on Sunday.  Here she is putting in gladiolas, dug up from the Herb Garden / Evil Bush flowerbed.  It was a gorgeous day on Sunday.  I was in overalls and a T-shirt, and sweating.  I took the T-shirt off and was much more comfortable, but I'm sure pretty comical to look at.  I also got a really weird tan as a result.  It was a really enjoyable weekend in the backyard.

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